Sunday, 30 November 2014

Custom Glitter Text

Waa, waa, waa. This is my last blog post EVER. And yes I said EVER. I am going to be very sad to leave Enrich. It has been a great experience and I will never forget it. On the positive note; 


It is a girl named Pippa. (What a nice name)
Anyway back to the sad part, Thank-you to you guys (my fellow blog followers) you have been a big part through my Enrich journey anyways,


Sunday, 19 October 2014

My Term 4 Goal

This term my goal is going to be: to step outside my comfort zone more often, particularly in tasks where you get to choose what to do.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Famous Photographer

Today at Enrich my highlight would of definitely been Newspaper. My new article is _____________________ so I have to take close-up photos of things in and around Enrich. If you would like you can guess what my article is called or the purpose of it, leave what you think in the comments box below. The answer will be in my next post.
Bye for now. 

Sunday, 24 August 2014

My pirate day

Ahoy there maties,
Today my mighty Mother and I started off my sailing to the amazing land of Enrich@ILT. Once she had dropped me off I walked through the water and down to the mat. After the roll I went to carry on with my mighty family history project. During morning tea Captain Rochelle (my Mum) came to pick me up in the ship so I could go to the dreaded dental clinic and the shark could check my PEARLY WHITES. When I finally got back from HELL the rest of my maties were doing their Passion projects. When Professor Katie called for lunch time everybody sprinted for there raw tuna sandwiches. Right now my maties it is after lunch and I am doing Blogging after this I am doing newspaper and then I shall sail home on me mighty pirate ship!!!    

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Boy oh boy

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen boys and girls.
Today has been a fun day so far.
First I did newspaper. We started our first articles mine is about..... woah woah woah stop right there! 'Rhylee remember you aren't allowed to tell anyone!' 'Oh yeah!' Sorry, it's a secret. After that we had morning tea then we did passion time. Katie helped me to do a brief outline of my Documentary about Enrich. Boy oh boy Katie has some good ideas...

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Doodle Doodle

HELLO, it's Rhylee here. Sorry I haven't posted anything for awhile we have been quite busy here at Enrich lately. Anyway so far today, we have already done three rotations around Katie, Nicola and Paul. First I went to Nicola. Her session was about stress. We watched a clip, learnt about how to cope with stress and  also we doodled on a piece of paper whilst listening to relaxing music. Next I went to Katie. There we learnt about Tannenbaum's model of giftedness. It is the one we don't use very much at Enrich@ILT but it is quite a good one. Lastly I went to Paul. We learnt about your digital footprint. Here is 3 things to remember about the inter net: 1. Once you have finished with a site or computer always log out. 2. Treat your password like your toothbrush (don't share it). 3. Filter your searches.
See y'all later

Sunday, 25 May 2014

I am planning

Hello! Today we started Passion Projects. This year, I'm entering a documentary and a static image in the MADE Awards. Next week, I am planning to go to Queen's Park to start taking some static images.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Big Fat Juicy Secrets

As I read the morning email from Katie the look on my face was horrifying. I had to tell the whole class something they probably didn't already know about me after my name had been called on the roll. Oh no, I thought to myself,  "There is lots people don't know about me - but they are secrets. Big fat juicy secrets". I am first on the roll....what am I going to do?

All of a sudden Katie turned on the music we all arged and barged to find a spot to sit. 'Good Morning' Katie said to us 'Good Morning Katie' we replied. After Katie had told us everything we were doing today, she started the roll 'Good Morning Rhylee' Oh no...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Here is...

Here is the link to the website I was talking about: 
Oh yeah I just remembered, I believe it's the last week of the term, have a nice Easter break, see you next term.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Here's my final result...

Have you ever got lost in such a great book? What a random question. Thats one of the about 50 questions I had to answer in a survey on how you learn best. Heres my final result:


Isn't that interesting? I thought I would be mostly Bodily-Kinestethic because I matched the criteria. But no. I'm mostly actually Visual-Spacial.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Watch and re-watch and re-watch again and again and again

I am finished my curly question interview with Lucy. Last week we started it off by writing some open-ended questions in our workbooks. These curly questions are the types of questions we should be asking to help us discover as much as possible.Then we had to choose a partner (I chose Lucy). After that we showed our partners our questions and then we videoed our interview on Photobooth. After that I had to watch and re-watch and re-watch again and again and again whilst typing it out on Pages. My interview is below...

Rhylee interviews Lucy

Rhylee: What are 5 words you would use to discribe yourself?
Lucy: Weird, kind, loving, smart, talkative

Rhylee: What is your one goal you believe you can acheive?
Lucy: Go to Otago University and study to be a Surgeon

Rhylee: What is the 1 question that you have always wondered?
Lucy: How are there so many people in the world and they’re all different and they all think differently and they all have different lives

Rhylee: What do you worry about in life?
Lucy: The world ending

Rhylee: Can you tell me a time when you felt worried and pleased at the same time?
Lucy: At camp I had to do absailing and I had never done it before and at the start I was really worried but when I was done I was really pleased that I did it

Rhylee: What is your best quality and how do you know that?
Lucy:Singing. I really like it and all of my friends say I’m good

Rhylee: How are you like a fizzy drink?
Lucy: I’m really bright and bubbly

Rhylee: Who do you admire and why?
Lucy: Katie Perry. She’s really confident about herself and she’s an amazing person

Rhylee: What do you fear and why?
Lucy: Spiders. They’re so big and they just make me cringe

Rhylee: How would your life be different if you didn’t go to Enrich?
Lucy: I wouldn’t get the chance to meet new people and express myself